Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Where have I gone?

Dr. Seuss's waiting place.  I am the last blue person in line.
2 weeks.  at least.  since I have written.  wow.
What is keeping me from this?
Every time I sit down at the keyboard, I am empty.
The only voice I hear echoes, 'I have nothing to say.'
And I believe it...

Also, I have had my first negative feedback about this blog, and I am scared.
Scared that in my effort to tell the truth, I say too much.
How do this, right?
There it is...that nemesis of truth.  Right.
Right implies Wrong.
No wonder I can't find words.

I sit here now, in my post-run sweat.
Cut off black dress slacks which somehow serve as jogging shorts.
My braids are trying so hard to be significant.  They are maybe 3 inches long.
In every way, I am trying to get somewhere.

To a place where my hair is longer, and I am less scared.
Where I am in better shape, my legs more solid, and my run fluid.
I am hoping to be more "Sarah."
I am my own ideal reflected in old pictures from times when my life made more sense.
And when I get there, I will paint everyday.
I will have arrived.  Whom do I expect to meet?  Other idealized, realized, actualizations of people?

Funny thing is.  I remember how I felt when those pictures were taken of me at a size 4 with 3 feet of hair.  I was the same.  I was just the same, only now I've experienced more life.  Now I am 32 instead of 25.  And if I've learned anything, it is this: everything I fear does not have to be scary, but it is anyway, and my path is through it.  Right now, I am walking through my eating disorder recovery out loud.

I was asked to do a youth group for anorexic and bulimic women.  So that is next.  And I am afraid I won't be able to help anyone.  But I am doing it anyway.  Why not?

Here I go...don't stop no matter what.
My running/life mantra


  1. Don't allow negative feedback to hold you back. Easier said thank done. You don't know me well… but I thoroughly enjoy your blog. It is very real and exposed and shows a side of you I never knew. A very human side and it is refreshing. Forever I only saw superwoman and it was very intimidating. So keep writing and thank you.

    1. Superwoman is still in there too. I just can't find her all the time. ;)I am not supposed to be her all the time, she is reserved for extreme fun and extreme difficulty. In between I am simply Sarah.

  2. Oh my darling sarah, everything you write is beautiful!
    You are extremely courageous and I admire what you are doing! I look forward to reading your blog and I am happy you are posting on it again! Thank you.
    Lots of love to you and your family. Hugs!

    1. Thank you Marcie. Is this the Marcie from Lake Powell? I will not stop writing. I've been doing it for 20 years. But I do appreciate the encouragement.

  3. I hope you don't feel the need to censor yourself. Your uninhibited honesty is a rare gift and it liberates all those you touch.

  4. Sarah,
    My guess is that there are many young women out there who need such a forum to contrast the vast amount of silence around eating disorders. I've always admired your ability to speak eloquently about life's challenges and discomfort, your blog is no different. Thank you.


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. so glad you are writing again, i have missed listening to you. i love you so much.
